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Alexander More

Dr. Alexander F. More is the director of ECHO and the CHCR program. Contact: alexander dot more at umb dot edu

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Dr. Alexander More is a climate & health scientist and economist based in the United States, internationally recognized for his discoveries on the impact of climate change on pandemics, resetting toxic pollution standards, and groundbreaking interdisciplinary approaches to find true, sustainable solutions to climate change.


His research has been covered by news media worldwide, including CNN, the New York Times, Washington Post, Popular Science, Newsweek, and hundreds of other outlets in more than 30 languages. Dr. More also serves as expert commentator on issues of climate change and health and leads the annual Climate Week program in NYC held at The Explorers Club, with sponsors including Rolex, UNESCO, IUCN, Honnold Foundation, Daniels Family Sustainable Energy Foundation, African Parks, and Nia Tero. He has been a keynote speaker at the Global Exploration Summit and TED.

Dr. More is a first-generation college and PhD graduate, having immigrated from Europe alone to the U.S. for his secondary education. He received his PhD from Harvard University and postdoctoral training at the Climate Change Institute and Harvard, where he is an affiliate and group leader for Climate & Health, as well as a research associate of the Max Planck - Harvard Research Center.

Dr. More's expertise extends to the public and private sector. He served on the staff of Senator Ted Kennedy while he was drafting the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), and serves on the board of directors of several non-profit organizations and as an advisor to several companies in the sustainability, energy, green buildings, real state and tech sectors.

Biography Alexander Moe
Public Talks

Public talks and Interviews (selected)

Publications (selected) 

Peer reviewed and news media

– Gona, P. & More, Alexander F. (2022). Bacterial pathogens and Climate Change. The Lancet, 400 (10369), 2161-2163.

– Yajima, R., More, Alexander F., Garvan, C., Harper, C., Grimes, K.V. (2022). A US clinical trial network is needed for the next pandemic. Nature Medicine, 28(7):1330-1331.

More, Alexander F. (2022). aDNA Evidence of the Introduction of Infectious Diseases in the Americas. In Brassard, C. and Chouin, G., Castex, D. eds., Epidemie, Proceedings of the Conference “Épidémies: problèmes et contextes, méthodes et documentation,” [transl: Epidemics: Problems and Contexts, Methods and Evidence] Université Paris 1 Sorbonne, March 2021. Les Nouvelles de l'Archeologie,169, 69-75.


More, Alexander F., Norchi, Charles, Mayewski, Paul A. (2022). The Hindu Kush Himalaya: An Endangered "Water Tower" in a Warming World. Global Geneva, and Why Climate Matters.

More, Alexander F. (2022). Climate change at the turn of the millennium: new evidence from the consilience of natural and written records, in Collège de France – CNRS Monographies 57, eds.  D. Barthelemy,  C. Morrisson, F. Grenet (Paris: Peeters): 355-374.

More, Alexander F. et al., (2020) The Impact of a Six‐Year Climate Anomaly on the “Spanish Flu” Pandemic and WWI. GeoHealth (AGU), 4, e2020GH000277. https://

– Clifford, H., More, Alexander F. et al., (2019). A 2000 Year Saharan Dust Event Proxy Record from an Ice Core in the European Alps. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 124: 12,282-12,900

More, Alexander F., Norchi, Charles, Mayewski, Paul A. (2020). Why Climate Matters to Your Security, Health and Wealth. Journal of the North Atlantic and Arctic, Global Geneva, and Why Climate Matters.

– Loveluck, C., More, Alexander F. et al., (2020). Alpine ice reveals the yearly political economy of the Angevin Empire," Antiquity, 94.374: 473-90.

More, Alexander F., et al., (2018). The role of historical context in understanding past climate, pollution and health data in trans-disciplinary studies. GeoHealth (AGU), 2, 162-170, DOI:10.1029/2017GH000121.

More, Alexander F., et al., (2017). Next Generation Ice Core Technology Reveals True Minimum Natural Levels of Lead (Pb) in the Atmosphere: Insights from the Black Death. GeoHealth (AGU). (DOI: 10.1002/2017GH000064)

– Loveluck, C., More, Alexander F. et al., “Alpine ice-core evidence for transformation of the European monetary system, AD 640-670,” Antiquity, November, 2018

– Luongo, M., Kurbatov, A.V., Erhardt, T., Mayewski, P.A., McCormick, M., More, Alexander F. et al., "Possible Icelandic Tephra Found in European Colle Gnifetti Glacier," Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 18 (2017), 3904–3909.

More, Alexander F., The Public Good: At The Origins of Welfare and Health Care, book manuscript under revision based on doctoral dissertation (Dec. 2014).

– McCormick, M., More, Alexander F.,  et al., (2012). “Climate Change: A First Synthesis Based on Multi-Proxy Natural Scientific and Historical Evidence,” Journal of Interdisciplinary History 43.2: 169-220 (link).

More, Alexander F. Medico, (2010). Averroe, Pietro d’Abano, and Veronica Franco. In A. Prosperi and V. Lavenia eds., Dizionario Storico dell’Inquisizione (Pisa: Scuola Normale Superiore).

More, Alexander F.  (2008). Civic Medicine, and Averroës of Cordoba. In Oxford Dictionary, ed. Robert E. Bjork (Oxford: Oxford University Press).


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