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Climate & Health Communications & Research program for scientists & researchers

The Climate & Health Communications and Research program, at the University of Massachusetts Boston (UMB), in collaboration with The Conversation, is offering 10 seats to researchers and faculty at UMB and at the Climate Change Institute (CCI at UMaine). Attendees selected will participate in workshops dedicated to training scientists in best practices in connecting with journalists and communications professionals, especially in the event of a publication, but also as a routine part of scientists' professional lives, serving as expert commentators on news stories.

Specifically, attendees will learn:

• Basic skills in science communications

• The various stages of connecting with news media before, during and after the publication of a new study

• Social media strategies for scientists

• Navigating the news cycle and its deadlines

• What should be included in a media kit 

• Essential steps involved in interactions with journalists and news outlets, and for documentaries

• Current trends in science misinformation and disinformation


In order to apply, attendees must commit to attending 5 workshops in person or remotely either in spring-summer of 2024. Attendees will receive a small stipend (up to $500) and special access to expert fellows of the program—journalists, editors and communications experts—as well as materials produced during the workshops. Successful applicants should be involved in research in climate or environmental science, public health, planetary health or related fields.


Attendees can choose either a fall or spring fellowship term:

May1st to August 31th (spring-summer 2024)


Interested candidates should fill an application by May 1st, 2024. Additional questions can be directed to the program director, Dr. Alexander More

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The Burroughts Wellcome Fellowships and the Climate & Health Communications & Research program at the University of Massachusetts, Boston are funded by a generous grant from the Burroughs Wellcome Fund.

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